Savannah Rose is here!!! Born August 26, 2009 @ 2:56pm after 19 hours and 10 minutes of labor. She was 6lbs, 9oz of beautiful baby girl that had my love the second I laid eyes on her. Full head of brown hair and dark blue eyes, her little feet and hands were blue-ish for the first few hours but pinked up after that. I cried for the first week she was here, so happy to finally have the baby girl I always wanted, to be able to share that with the man of my dreams, and to finally be a complete family of four feels like a fairytale that I am not worthy of.
We politely requested that only grandparents, (and Megan of course) come to the hospital after her birth so that we could have a few private days to bond as a family before we brought her home. Everyone obliged respectively and we were able to have some really sincere, heartfelt moments alone with our new baby girl. I will treasure those moments forever. The nursing staff at Memorial was AMAZING I have all of their names and plan on doing something special for them soon.
Things I want to remember about my 19 hour labor;
Trisha the nurse from heaven moved us to the large private labor room the second her shift started, this is the same nurse that we had the Saturday before when we were in "early stage labor" and sent home.
I nearly passed out when my water broke, I had some kind of physiological reaction and literally lost my blood pressure for a few minutes. Very scary and the worst part of the entire thing.
Contractions started at 7:46pm on Tuesday the 25th. Ben kept track while he played video games until 1am.
Mum and Dad Norman were there most of the night and morning, being very supportive and trying to keep my spirits up as much as possible. I had a few moments of snapping at Mum, but I apologized the next day of course.
My midwife Michelle Palmer from East Bay was able to make it!! This was one of the best things I can say, she stuck to her word and even though she wasn't on call, she was there for me.
My husband, never left my side. Never, and actually refused food since I couldn't eat either. (we were able to talk him into eating something but the gesture was breathtakingly romantic in my 14th hour of labor.)
All in all we are adjusting nicely. Aidan is in big brother mode full swing and she is like clockwork with her sleep and feeding schedule. I barely have to look at a clock when she wakes up I already know what time it is. :)