I'm down 7 pounds! AND a dress size! I give 100% credit to the fact that I have been riding again. I started a lease on a horse two weeks ago and I am sore practically daily BUT I am losing pounds and inches. Even my boss at the dance studio noticed!
Meg and I chipped in together for a Wii Fit that is also way more fun than I remember it being. I wish I had it here though... I think I would be more dedicated.
As for The Cake Biz, its a big month for me. My first bridal show is tomorrow, I have a cake every weekend and my orders from Andrew's Bistro have almost doubled.
On the outside employment front I was offered a job, finally, at Riverside Community Care. I will be there resident overnight counselor starting next week. (Thanks to some amazingly glowing recommendations from Meg and Tony).
Well thats it for now... off to bake the night away in preparation for tomorrows show!