Monday, February 22, 2010

Week three and four of Mission Bikini Body 2010

Week three; I only got to the gym once BUT I wore Meg's pedometer at work and found out I walk over 4.5 miles a shift and I take the stairs up and down the floors instead of the escalators and elevators. I have been sticking to me healthy eating, no fast food and no cookies so far. Just a LOT of fruit and deli meat sandwiches. I am having a bit of trouble balancing work and home time. I am so exhausted I barely have time to sleep never mind clean my pit of a house, catch up on laundry and spend quality time with my kids and husband. It has to get better right? Results; Lost another 2 lbs week three making it 9.5lbs lost total.

Week four; Did not get to the gym AT ALL. :( Stuck to the health food and skim milk. Took the stairs, and did not eat any crap. Had one small bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream one night but followed that up the next day by running the stadium stairs on my break at work. I have noticed that now my size 10 pants are getting a bit big! Results; down another 2 lbs, Total lost after four weeks is 11.5 lbs :)

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