Sunday, July 21, 2013

My First Triathlon:Two flat tires, hit by a car, and dead last. BEST FEELING EVER.

My First Triathlon:Two flat tires, hit by a car, and dead last. BEST FEELING EVER. Swim: 25% freestyle swim (you know that arm over arm awesomeness elites do) 75% backstroke (my strong stroke, I swam this on my HS team) stayed to the way outside so I wouldn't hit anyone. Worked out well. Finished Swim strong and ready to bike. Bike: Holy hell. I did out the map on with where my "incidents" happened here is the run down. Rode 1.95 miles and just before the first hill on Jordan St my back tire went completely flat. Popped the tube. Decided "screw it, I can turn this into a duathon and I'll swim and RUN a half marathon." (aka I'll just run the bike portion with my bike) Started running with flat back tire on bike guiding bike with one hand while I ran 2.63 miles. At that point FINALLY a Y van came by and helped me change the tire. Mary (#97) had given me everything in her pack when she rode by saying she didnt' know HOW to change the tire but once I found a Y member they might. My heroes in the van helped me patch the tire....which then blew once we inflated it on the bike, remove the tire again and replace the tube completely with one a passing cyclist (NOT IN OUR RACE) gave me when they saw my bike upside down on the side of the road being repaired. Get that settled start riding again. Ride 2 miles and a mini van almost hits me when she makes an illegal UTURN in the middle of the street. She was coming against me on the left and cut her wheel to change directions. When she was on the right side of the street she cut me off so badly I had to slam on my brakes to a complete stop. She never acknowledged me yelling...may have been that she was busy on her cell phone. .25 miles later this SAME GIRL cuts a quick right into a driveway using NO signal or brakes and collided with me, knocking my bike over and throwing me thankfully from my bike onto grass. Still on her cell phone. I left a hefty dent in her van. Her "mom/aunt" person comes and says she needs my info for insurance and that I am 50% at fault. At this point I ignore her lack of compassion for human life and ask the tractor trailor that was behind me to please call the police and "notify the YMCA Triathlon in bright yellow shirts that they have a rider down". They do so. While I wait I sit on the curb sobbing. Asshat on the cell phone and her grown up do not offer me water, or ask if I am ok just state that I am 50% at fault again. SAME Y van that helped me with the tires returns to assess me, my bike, and pretty much tell the lady and her young friend (maybe 19yrs old) that cyclists have the right of way, blinds spot or not she was at fault for assault with a deadly weapon. (I WANTED TO CHEER BUT I WAS TOO BUSY TRYING TO COMPOSE MYSELF AND STOP SOBBING). Joe Halus, the Y employee, now urges me to please get in the Y van and abort the race. I refuse, He repeats himself holding my shaking hands. I cry at him and say "I am committed to finishing this." He says ok he will ride ahead and make sure the water stays open and that they don't take down the finish sign. I start pedaling again. I make it back to T2 (which is mostly disassembled). Put down the bike and head for the run chute. Run: People cheer me on to the run. My most amazing BFF Sara and my husband Ben are there now. He runs with me a bit to ask what the hell happened and why am I so behind. When I tell him he throws his shoes off and says he will run the 5k portion with me barefoot and in his swim trunks. And he does. Faithfully. Finished in 2:34ish. I am unstoppable. I am a triathlete. I got to set an AMAZING example for my almost 8 year old son. That no matter what, when it is hard, and when you are last, and when you want to give up because you keep trying and it keeps not still do not quit. You finish what you start, and you be proud of what you do. THAT was what today really gave me. He asked me "mom you were last, like last last, why are you so happy?" I said, "because I didn't give up. It was hard, and I was last but I didn't give up. So I won anyway." HUGE LIFE ALTERING THING FOR MY SON TO LEARN. I can not say it enough. My two young daughters, they may not remember, but he will. — feeling determined.